Juice+ Canada donates Tower Garden to Boys & Girls Club of Kamloops
Dianne Desbiaux, the Boys and Girls Club’s French early childhood educator, took on the Tower Garden project to teach her French pre-school club kids the importance of nutrition and how to grow their own healthy food.

“It is only logical that providing kids the opportunity to grow their own food will help set them up for a life of smart food choices and I am so proud to be a part of this amazing opportunity,” said Jennifer Strange of Juice+.
Read the newspaper article here: https://www.kamloopsthisweek.com/community/boys-and-girls-club-gets-juiced-with-a-garden-1.23511503
"It is a powerful tool for teaching real life skills." said Dianne. "It is full of opportunities to bring French language , concrete experience with science, math and other life skills. It can be all year around and the children can see the progress of each plant and harvest it in a shorter time. It gives children self esteem that they can make this happen, and they learn in a positive environment."